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Corporate Social Responsibility

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    CSR Policy

    Wavin has worked with corporate social responsibility since its foundation in 1955. In recent years, the area has rightly become more formalised and law-bound, but these principles and commitments remain unchanged for Wavin.

    Wavin will ensure that employees have a good working environment and good health through systematic efforts in areas such as noise suppression, ventilation, tidy work, ergonomic workstations, varied and well-planned work operations and personnel policies, such as calls for a healthy lifestyle.

    Wavin personnel policies to pave the way for inclusion. We will work to retain their own employees and recruit new employees who are at risk of exclusion from the labour market. Wavin going through a sustained effort on risk factors and risk bear the brunt of what applies to claims frequency; we will not expose either people, processes or products to any undue risk. Wavin will select the best available techniques to ensure that our processes and output do not cause the external environment unnecessary loads.

    Wavin will develop new products and processes with a focus on sustainability.

    Wavin will advise clients on the environmental aspects of the use of the products.

    Wavin is a shareholder in the recycling company WUPPI a member of TEPPFA and is connected VinylPlus. We, therefore, support voluntary efforts in the collection and recycling of plastic pipe systems. All the companies in the Wavin Group strive to be a pioneer, also about health and safety, and the companies want to share their experience with others. Wavin with all relevant regulatory requirements and internal regulations are followed, even if they may. surpasses the legislative.

    The risks that may be associated with Wavin activities are identified and controlled systematically, and to ensure continuous improvement in our performance in this area, we prepare annual activity plans and budgets. DS / EN ISO 14001 and DS / OHSAS 18001 is an essential tools in our work environment and work environment.

    Wavin companies contribute to programmes for social well-being, locally and internationally. We work with UNICEF on clean water and sanitation initiatives. For our own employees, we sustain the highest awareness of health and safety.

     In addition to our social efforts in the areas where we are present, Wavin also supports UNICEF with a programme called Providing Essentials for Children.

    The latest project under the Providing Essentials for Children partnership takes place in Bhutan where UNICEF and Wavin will provide water and sanitation and improve hygiene practices in Bhutanese schools.

    When completed, the project will have provided sanitation facilities for around 5,000 children at nearly 40 schools. Water facilities will be built at 26 schools and 4 schools will receive rainwater harvesting systems. To safeguard the program’s long-term effectiveness various people (including teachers and health coordinators) will receive training to improve knowledge and practices related to health, nutrition and hygiene.

    Wavin supports the project with products, expertise and money. Wavin and UNICEF expect to achieve the same positive results in Bhutan as it has in previous projects.

    Wavin and UNICEF have been active partners since 2005, providing essentials such as fresh drinking water and sanitation to children all over the world. The first project was carried out in Mali, Africa. In four years Wavin’s products, systems and know-how and UNICEFs organisational and educational skills helped improve sanitation for over 43,000 children at 165 schools. In 2008 Wavin and UNICEF embarked on a similar project in Papua New Guinea. The result was access to safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene in 28 primary schools and 21 rural health clinics. All in all 23,000 people, including 13,000 children, benefitted.

    Unicef Partnership

    Wavin helps to promote good social conditions, both locally and internationally. We work with UNICEF on other initiatives. Safe drinking water and sanitation. And when it comes to our own employees, we focus on health and safety.

    We define CSR as the way in which we integrate social and environmental concerns in the operation of our business and interaction with stakeholders on a voluntary basis. We consider our CSR activities as Wavin contribution to sustainable development.

    Wavin employees

    The expertise, commitment, well-being and involvement of our employees are critical to our success.

    In order to provide a working environment that fosters a strong team spirit and contributes towards the company’s long-term goals, we are committed to the following principles:

    • We will foster positive employee and labour relations, and help our staff realise their full potential through training and development opportunities.
    • We will promote a safe, healthy and productive work environment.
    • We will ensure a fair and diverse company culture, with no social, gender, racial or religious bias..
    • We will encourage our staff to maintain excellent contact with the communities in which the company operates and to play an active part in community life.
    • We will attract and retain motivated, well-qualified staff who are given the opportunity to develop within the company.
    Wavin Ireland | Corporate social responsibility