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Wavin HepVO

The Wavin HepVO waste valve is a waterless trap to prevent foul sewer gases from entering a building. It doesn’t rely on water to maintain a seal, eliminating the risk of evaporation and ensuring a consistent barrier against odors.

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    A waterless trap for wastewater: Why Wavin HepVO is a smart choice

    What sets the Wavin HepVO apart from traditional water traps is its soft silicone rubber membrane that creates a seal instead of “trapped” water. Wavin HepVO can be installed vertically or horizontally and is available in 1 ¼” and 1 ½” dimensions. Wavin HepVO has compression-type joints, and running and angle adaptors are available as part of the system to deliver maximum installation flexibility. 


    Topline benefits of the Wavin HepVO waste valve:  

    • Creates a secure barrier against health-threatening viruses and bacteria. 
    • Provides a zero-odor guarantee.  
    • Non-drying for long-term odor protection.  
    • High flushing capacity. 
    • Compact, space-saving design.  
    • It’s not affected by siphoning, unlike P-traps that lose their water seal.  
    • Low maintenance design that doesn’t accumulate solids or grease.  
    • Improves venting by eliminating negative air pressure conditions within the piping system. 

    Wavin HepVO is widely exported around Europe and the rest of the world to countries such as the US, Australia and Japan. It holds several product approvals in those countries.