Championing social inclusion in construction

As we work towards a more sustainable world it’s crucial that nobody gets left behind.  

A truly sustainable construction industry doesn’t focus solely on structures, it takes a holistic approach to development – balancing people and the planet to increase prosperity and deliver a positive impact for communities and the environment. 

WASH: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene projects

Safe water is a basic human need and the construction industry has a significant role to play in facilitating and safeguarding access for everyone. To support this, we collaborate with several partners to help vulnerable communities through WASH projects that provide dedicated handwashing stations, repairs to crucial community water networks and more. 

Collaborating with local communities

Lasting change is achieved through local communities as well as global initiatives. To reflect this, we have an active role improving water storage and consumption in private households and community venues like soup kitchens around the world. As well as collaborating with municipalities to enhance urban sewage and sanitation, we’re also a partner of the Latin America Water Funds, protecting vital watersheds across the continent.  

Education initiatives: programmes for plumbers

Through skills and education, communities can safeguard their own futures. Drawing on our extensive experience developing plumbing solutions, we’ve established dedicated training programs for plumbers – training over 10,000 plumbers a year and helping these individuals to secure better opportunities for themselves and their communities.  

A vibrant community of volunteers

Volunteers are vital to ensure sustainability initiatives are implemented effectively. To recognise the importance of volunteering, all Orbia Building & Infrastructure (Wavin) colleagues are encouraged to devote 10 working hours annually to volunteer projects – and so far we’ve used this time to build new homes, bathrooms, hydro sanitary units and other water solutions for communities in need around the world.  

Find out how our sustainability progress is measured and reported by our parent company Orbia.