Above Ground Solutions
Wavin offers a comprehensive range of above ground solutions for plumbing and drainage applications comprising reliable and innovative pipes and fittings which make sound plumbing and drainage, including soil and wastewater systems that last long.
Wavin Hep2O is a comprehensive range of pipes and fittings which connects to polybutylene and copper pipes. Due to their In4Sure secure fitting, they are an excellent choice for a wide range of solutions, including drinking, wastewater, and heating and cooling solutions, in both domestic and commercial setups.
Wavin AS+ is the world’s leading low-noise system, which reduces airborne sound in soil and waste systems owing to its flexible PP material with high mass and thick wall. For these reasons, AS+ is the first choice of architects and plumbers for reducing sound emissions from soil and waste systems.
Wavin SiTech+ is a mineral-reinforced polypropylene (PP) water discharge system with 20% heavier fittings that significantly reduce noise emissions from soil and waste systems. It is easy to install and less prone to dirt, lending a more professional appearance to the system.