Tegra manhole inspection chambers
Make Wavin’s Tegra PP manholes and inspection chambers the backbone of your public sewer system. They are easy to install and access, and offer low-maintenance and high-performance over the complete lifetime. It results in the lowest costs of ownership solution.
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Easy installation
Tegra bases have a flat bottom plate. This makes them easy to position and level. Slight deviations in the pipe routing is not critical because the bases do have flexible connections.
Flexible and robust
Tegra corrugated shafts are easy to cut to the required length. They are light and easy to assemble into the base socket. Their corrugated design ensures the shaft adapts to movement of the surrounding soil. This keeps the covers level with the surface and contrary to concrete shafts, the soil movement does not result in leakages and keeps the chamber tight under all conditions.
Flexible joints
Precise vertical or horizontal alignment of pipes is not critical as all Tegra bases have patented flexible joints, allowing a rotation freedom of 7.5 degrees in all directions. Wavin delivers dedicated versions for smooth wall or twin wall pipes. Combine with different flow configurations to handle any change in the flow line. Our bases are available with flow profiles for both 45o and 90o side inlet angles.
Top solutions
Wavin offers a wide range of top solutions for Tegra manholes and chambers. Tegra 1000 and 600 are similar – with Tegra 1000 using an asymmetric cone to reduce the entry diameter to a standard 600 mm. You can mount an optional corrosion resistant GRP ladder from the cone.
Versatile sewer layout
Tegra offers a wide range of base configurations for 425, 600 and 1000 mm risers. Use Tegra 1000 manholes when and where you need human access. Position Tegra 600 or Tegra 425 inspection chambers between them to provide all required accessibility for inspection and cleaning equipment.